Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Digital Citizenship Today


credits to: Google Images for the pictures

   In this generation, we live in the world where everything is all high tech. As a netizen, we must be aware of the proper ways in using the technologies around us.

   Digital Citizenship is defined as the appropriate responsible behavior with regard of technology use. Today, it is the common issue in social world how each one of us use can have the proper norms or netiquette in using social media. Are we a good digital citizen? Are our actions and thoughts are right to be posted online?

    We, as digital citizen, must always put in mind the tips to stay online like we must not share our password to anyone; we must add friends we know in real life, we must avoid visiting untrusted websites, do not click links from suspicious emails and etc. . At the same time, we must avoid doing cybercrimes such as Cyberbullying, cryptocurrency, cyber-squatting, hacking and many more. We must be responsible to our actions because even in social world we have laws that can lead us to jail example of this are Copyright Infringement Law, Cybercrime Law, and etc.

     Digital Citizenship has 9 elements in access, commerce, literacy, security, law, rights, health and wellness, etiquette and communication. In which help us to have a proper participation in using electronics. Everything that we do we must have limitations in ourselves and think before we click or posts.

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