Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What have I learned in ICT, Possible impact of ICT in the society, and Our role as a youth to promote the responible use of ICT

ICT made me realized how our world today was change. It is like our society experienced the process of Evolution (like the picture above)example from carvings,to caligraphy, to papers, to mails, to text, to chat and video chat when communicating. As our lessons in ICT ended I have learned so much, from how to be a Good Digital Citzen, my attitude or manners in engage social media or nettiquette. About Cybercrimes like Cyber bullying, hacking and etc., its laws and punishments. How to make my work easy by using merge mails, My rights and responsibilities in using technology, how ICT develop us and our society and making blogs to share my opinions and ideas.

 I also learned how ICT affects our society even in the past, in the present and to the future. ICT becomes a platform for change,it widens the area of spreading advocacy, information, donation and campaigns. It played a key role in the history of the Philippines in important occasions like EDSA Revolution, Million People March and etc. ICT provides a big help in giving jobs like software engineers, IT experts and many more. It made our society high-tech and globalize in the way we can compete to other countries. ICT improves education and works, it gives easy access of information and a way to express opinions. Maybe if I will type all the help that ICT have/will provide I will finish next year. But ICT doesnt only have a positive impact but also a negative side.
to know more about the Positive and Negative impact of ICT, see my blog about it below this one.

As a youth I will promote a responsible use of ICT in the way of being careful in what I post. I will also advice my friends and ask their help to spread that we must be aware of our actions and words in using social media. I will also post a friendly reminder note/quote in my social media accounts to spread awareness on how to be a good digital citizen and how to avoid cybercrimes especially cyberbullying.I will apply everything I have learned in our lessons to do my best to promote proper use of internet especially in the different social medias. I believe that ICT has a big help in shaping us, youth, and most especially our society because of its bad and good impact. I/ we will encourage my fellow youth to use ICT to promote peace and happiness and not war, I will remind them that we are the hope of the future.

photos are not mine
credits to: google for the images

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Positive and Negative Impact of ICT in the society

Video was not mine.
Credits to : Youtube and to the owner of the video.

In addition to the the video, I want to point out 3 different points that ICT both had a positive and a negative effect.

1.A wider place for people to participate
Positive: New friends to meet and organizations or groups to join
Negative: you are opening your private life into a large world.

2. Impact to the communication
Positive: Means of communicating to others are easy, through a click to  call or text or chat.
Negative: other people can easily prank or send a joke messages to you

3.Easy access of information
Positive: you are updated with the latest news and trends because of ict
Negative: not all information in the internet are true,

We must use ICT with  proper limit so that we can avoid to do wrong deeds. ICT maybe have a positive and negative impact but it is very useful especially in our society.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Outreach Program and Catechism


School’s mission stating about Makabayan, maka-Diyos, Makatao never did really put into action. We are catholic students yet we never apply this goals set for us to act. There is no sense after all if what stated at it will never be practice. This outreach program and catechism is a simple way that aims to put a smile on the benefactors of the program and at the same time we will practice the act of giving love and hope to others.

The purpose of this project is to build connection from the school to the community. This project will benefit not only to the receiver of the program but as well as the givers or us catholic students because it will be a way for us to be inspire and  exercise our love, care and help to others. It will be a good way then to include catechism in the event so we could teach those good values, simple prayers or what we do in a catholic school. At the same time, in the simple things we will do and give for them a smile on their faces will make you inspire and things will be worth it. It is a way to know others and make God closer to them. This activity will be themed “Sharing and Giving are the ways of God”.

The project will be made possible through the help of higher people. Who are they? They are the student leaders, administrators, teachers, government officials and you. Yes, you can help us if you’re free. Months before the planned activity we will conduct a fund raising event. We will posts it on social media like Facebook or even create blog post so we could raise awareness and give chance to others to volunteer, give your old stuffs, donate cash or share your time and what you just have. We will update the details and posts pictures so that everyone will see what is our goal in doing this program. We will also ask solicitations to the different establishments so that we can give more gifts to the 50 children benefactor of this event that will be held at Barrio 143, Liya, Pampang on February 30, 2017.

For more question and information you can visit the school page. 

credits to: google for the pictures

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Elements of Digital Citizenship

credits to: Google images for the picture

As a Student and at the same time a  Digital Citizen we must question ourselves if we are passed in all parts of Digital element and if we are doing well in this Digital world.

Digital Citizenship Today


credits to: Google Images for the pictures

   In this generation, we live in the world where everything is all high tech. As a netizen, we must be aware of the proper ways in using the technologies around us.

   Digital Citizenship is defined as the appropriate responsible behavior with regard of technology use. Today, it is the common issue in social world how each one of us use can have the proper norms or netiquette in using social media. Are we a good digital citizen? Are our actions and thoughts are right to be posted online?

    We, as digital citizen, must always put in mind the tips to stay online like we must not share our password to anyone; we must add friends we know in real life, we must avoid visiting untrusted websites, do not click links from suspicious emails and etc. . At the same time, we must avoid doing cybercrimes such as Cyberbullying, cryptocurrency, cyber-squatting, hacking and many more. We must be responsible to our actions because even in social world we have laws that can lead us to jail example of this are Copyright Infringement Law, Cybercrime Law, and etc.

     Digital Citizenship has 9 elements in access, commerce, literacy, security, law, rights, health and wellness, etiquette and communication. In which help us to have a proper participation in using electronics. Everything that we do we must have limitations in ourselves and think before we click or posts.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Understanding more about Digital Citizenship

A video above is a reminder on how to become a  digital citizen,
credits to : Youtube -for the video

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Think! before its too late

Before we post, we must be aware of the consequence of our actions.
 Think before you click! Be aware! Be a good netizen!

credits: google images and royanglee for the picture