Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Think! before its too late

Before we post, we must be aware of the consequence of our actions.
 Think before you click! Be aware! Be a good netizen!

credits: google images and royanglee for the picture


 Credits to : google images for the picture.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

ICT around me

In this 21st century, ICT went viral in every corner of the universe. ICT helps every community as it gives vital role in our daily life.

Information. Through ICT we could study and work easily. All the things that we don't know ICT could give us an answer. It helps us to discover unlimited news all over the world. ICT also gives us the opportunity to share what we also know, our opinions and feedbacks in every issue in our society. It gives us a chance to become updated with the events and trends in just a few clicks.

Communication. ICT offers a great access to have a faster communicationwith our friends and love ones that are far away to us. We could create virtual friends or groups through the same interests. ICT could give you incomes in the way of selling online, tutor online or other services that communicates with the help of ICT.

Technologies. ICT helps us to become updated with the latest gadgets that can help us to get along or compete with other countries.Tecnologies are not only for recreation and socialization but at the same time it is used for medication and protection. CCTV Cameras, CT Scans, X-RAY Machines and etc. are some of the examples of other useful technologies.

ICT is just around us. It had changed our lives and admit it or not we can no longer live without ICT.